(() => { const queryString = window.location.search; const parameters = new URLSearchParams(queryString); function WaitDefinition(variable, updateInterval){ return new Promise((res, rej) => { let interval = setInterval(()=>{ if (variable != undefined){ res(variable); clearInterval(interval); } }, updateInterval); }) } const AssetsPage = { GetRequest : (url) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{ fetch(url, { method: "GET", mode: 'cors' }).then(res=>{ if (res.status >= 200 && res.status <= 299) res.text().then(res2 => {resolve(res2);}) else reject(new Error()); }).catch(err => reject(err)); }) }, JSONPostRequest : (url, body) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{ fetch(url, { method: "POST", headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, body: JSON.stringify(body), mode: 'cors' }).then(res=>{ if (res.status >= 200 && res.status <= 299) res.json().then(res2 => {resolve(res2);}) else reject(new Error()); }).catch(err => reject(err)); }) }, SearchStore : (body) => { return AssetsPage.JSONPostRequest("https://dapp.isotopic.io/api/v1/assets/search", body); }, GetThumbnailSrcURL : (asset_id) => `https://dapp.isotopic.io/api/v1/assets/files/${asset_id}/thumbnail`, GetAssetCategories : () => new Promise((res, rej) => { AssetsPage.GetRequest(`https://dapp.isotopic.io/api/v1/assets/categories`).then(categoriesResText => {res(JSON.parse(categoriesResText)); }).catch(err => rej(err)); }), } AssetsPage.SearchStoreFeaturedPromise = AssetsPage.SearchStore({limit: 20}).catch(err => {throw err;}); AssetsPage.SearchCrossGamePromise = AssetsPage.SearchStore({limit: 4, special:"cross_game_support"}).catch(err => {throw err;}); AssetsPage.SearchModelCategoryPromise = AssetsPage.SearchStore({limit: 4, category:3}).catch(err => {throw err;}); AssetsPage.GetCategoriesPromise = AssetsPage.GetAssetCategories().catch(err => {throw err;}); let storesidebarRes = AssetsPage.GetRequest("https://dapp.isotopic.io/asset-store/sidebar").catch(err => {throw err}); $(document).ready(async ()=> { const mainViewDiv = $("#games-window-target"); const storeSidebar = $("#store-sidebar"); const featuredDiv = $("#featured-target"); const grid2 = $("#grid-2"); const recentAssets = $("#top-games-slideshow"); const AssetCategoriesDict = await AssetsPage.GetCategoriesPromise; let swiperBanner1Content = [ {img: "https://dapp.isotopic.io/media/banner-top/isotopic-sdk-banner-2.png", url: "https://isotopic.io/sdk", btn_text: "Learn More", title:"Isotopic SDK", content: "Integrate Cross-Game items in your game with the Isotopic SDK!"}, {img: "https://dapp.isotopic.io/api/v1/assets/files/Ship_Nyk_Apollo_FBX/page_images/?index=1", url: "https://isotopic.io/asset/?asset=Ship_Nyk_Apollo_FBX", btn_text: "Go to Asset", title:"Nyk Apollo FBX", content: "This is a realistic model of a real ship that is traveling the seas! Shaded, optimized, and ready for all your needs as an FBX model!"}, {img: "https://dapp.isotopic.io/api/v1/assets/files/Ancient_Mythology_Bird/page_images/?index=2", url: "https://isotopic.io/asset/?asset=Ancient_Mythology_Bird", btn_text: "Go to Asset", title: "Ancient Mythology Bird", content: "This is a stymphalida, from the ancient legend of Hercules. They are feisty and attack you on sight, be careful!"}, {img: "https://dapp.isotopic.io/api/v1/assets/files/Ford_F150_Raptor/page_images/?index=2", url: "https://isotopic.io/asset/?asset=Ford_F150_Raptor", btn_text: "Go to Asset", title: "Ford F150 Raptor", content: "One of if not the first thought that come to any truck-lover's mind when they think about trucks! We took that thought, and made it into a realistic 3D model."}, {img: "https://dapp.isotopic.io/api/v1/assets/files/Centaur_3D_Model/page_images/?index=1", url: "https://isotopic.io/asset/?asset=Centaur_3D_Model", btn_text: "Go to Asset", title: "Centaur FBX", content: "This is a 3D FBX model for Centaur, the ancient mythological creature that's half human and half horse. Dressed in war armor and comes with an axe. Shaded, un-rigged."} ]; let article1ImgSrc = "https://dapp.isotopic.io/media/discord.png"; let article1Title = "Discord"; let article1Text = "Join us on our discord server! Meet the community, share your development progress and stay up to date with our latest news!"; let article1URL = "https://discord.gg/zZqNycn6FJ"; let article2ImgSrc = "https://dapp.isotopic.io/media/nrg_panel.png"; let article2Title = "Partnership"; let article2Text = "Isotopic is now partnered with NRG CORE, to bring special features to our combined users!"; let article2URL = "https://nrgcore.com/"; let article3ImgSrc = "https://dapp.isotopic.io/media/igc_2/WINNER_123_IGC2.jpg"; let article3Title = "Game Competition"; let article3Text = " Check out the winners!"; let article3URL = "https://isotopic.io/isotopic-game-competition-2-results/"; let article4ImgSrc = "https://dapp.isotopic.io/media/OneClick-Publisher-isotopic.jpg"; let article4Title = "One Click Publish from Unity"; let article4Text = "We just released our unity package that allows you to easily upload your new build to the Isotopic Store, directly from within the Unity Editor!"; let article4URL = "https://isotopic.io/announcing-one-click-publishing-through-unity-editor/"; const GetGrid2Item = (asset) => { let priceStr = ""; if(asset.price==0){ priceStr="FREE"; }else{ priceStr=asset.price + " $"; } /* ****** discount check needed*/ let discountStr=``; if(asset.discount!=null && asset.discount!=0 ){ discountStr = `


`; } return `
` } const GetAssetItem = (asset) => { let priceStr = ""; if(asset.price==0){ priceStr="FREE"; }else{ priceStr=asset.price + " $"; } /* ****** discount check needed*/ let discountStr=``; if(asset.discount!=null && asset.discount!=0 ){ discountStr = `


`; } return `
` } const GetAssetItemWithInfo = (asset) => { let priceStr = ""; if(asset.price==0){ priceStr="FREE"; }else{ priceStr=asset.price + " $"; } /* ****** discount check needed*/ let discountStr=``; if(asset.discount!=null && asset.discount!=0 ){ discountStr = `


`; } return `
${JSON.parse(asset.genres).map(category_id => `${AssetCategoriesDict.find(cat => cat.id == category_id).title}`).join(",")}
` } const SetTopBanner = async() => { console.log("SetTopBanner"); grid2.append(`

Isotopic Asset Store

Welcome to Isotopic Asset store where you can sell, buy or exchange assets for your games!

`)} /*swiper*/ const SetSwiperMain = async() => { console.log("setSwiper"); console.log("SetStoreMenu"); categories = await AssetsPage.GetCategoriesPromise; grid2.append(` `) grid2.append(`
`); const swiperBannerDiv = $("#swiper-banner-div"); for(let i=0; i


`); } mainViewDiv.append(` `) } /*recent assets*/ const SetRecentAssets = async()=>{ categories = await AssetsPage.GetCategoriesPromise; grid2.append(`
Recent Assets
`); /*GRID 2 - FEATURED LOAD ITEMS*/ let parent = $(".assets-recent-container") let all_assets = (await AssetsPage.SearchStoreFeaturedPromise).results; let featured_assets = all_assets.slice(0,6); featured_assets.forEach(asset => { $(GetGrid2Item(asset)).appendTo(parent); }) } /*recent assets*/ const SetCrossGameAssets = async()=>{ categories = await AssetsPage.GetCategoriesPromise; grid2.append(`
Cross Game Assets

Your assets everywhere

Use your assets across all the games in your library. Be a part of a unique personalized experience.

View All
`); /*CROSS GAME ASSETS*/ let parent = $("#cross-game-assets-holder") let featured_assets = (await AssetsPage.SearchCrossGamePromise).results; // *********** uncoment on release /* featured_assets.forEach(asset => { // Execute your first function $(GetAssetItem(asset)).appendTo(parent); }); */ /* ************** remove on release*/ if (featured_assets.length < 4) { // Execute a function for each item in the array featured_assets.forEach(asset => { // Execute your first function $(GetAssetItem(asset)).appendTo(parent); }); // Execute another function for the remaining items needed to reach 4 const remainingItemsCount = 4 - featured_assets.length; for (let i = 0; i < remainingItemsCount; i++) { // Execute your second function $(GetAssetItem(featured_assets[0])).appendTo(parent);; } } else { // If the array already has 4 or more items, just loop through and execute your first function featured_assets.forEach(asset => { // Execute your first function $(GetAssetItem(asset)).appendTo(parent); }); } } //3D models const SetModelsAssets = async()=>{ categories = await AssetsPage.GetCategoriesPromise; grid2.append(`

enrich your game

Find the most exciting 3D models to use in your games.

View All
`); /*CROSS GAME ASSETS*/ let parent = $("#models-assets") let featured_assets = (await AssetsPage.SearchModelCategoryPromise).results; // *********** uncoment on release /* featured_assets.forEach(asset => { // Execute your first function $(GetAssetItem(asset)).appendTo(parent); }); */ /* *********** remove on release*/ if (featured_assets.length < 4) { // Execute a function for each item in the array featured_assets.forEach(asset => { // Execute your first function $(GetAssetItem(asset)).appendTo(parent); }); // Execute another function for the remaining items needed to reach 4 const remainingItemsCount = 4 - featured_assets.length; for (let i = 0; i < remainingItemsCount; i++) { // Execute your second function $(GetAssetItem(featured_assets[i])).appendTo(parent);; } } else { // If the array already has 4 or more items, just loop through and execute your first function featured_assets.forEach(asset => { // Execute your first function $(GetAssetItem(asset)).appendTo(parent); }); } } //3D models const SetPopularAssets = async()=>{ categories = await AssetsPage.GetCategoriesPromise; grid2.append(`
Popular Assets
`); /*CROSS GAME ASSETS*/ let parent = $("#popular-assets-holder") let featured_assets = (await AssetsPage.SearchStoreFeaturedPromise).results.sort(() => Math.random() - 0.5);; // *********** uncoment on release /* featured_assets.forEach(asset => { // Execute your first function $(GetAssetItem(asset)).appendTo(parent); }); */ /* ************** remove on release*/ if (featured_assets.length < 8) { // Execute a function for each item in the array featured_assets.forEach(asset => { // Execute your first function $(GetAssetItemWithInfo(asset)).appendTo(parent); }); // Execute another function for the remaining items needed to reach 4 const remainingItemsCount = 8 - featured_assets.length; for (let i = 0; i < remainingItemsCount; i++) { // Execute your second function $(GetAssetItemWithInfo(featured_assets[i])).appendTo(parent);; } } else { // If the array already has 4 or more items, just loop through and execute your first function featured_assets.forEach(asset => { // Execute your first function $(GetAssetItemWithInfo(asset)).appendTo(parent); }); } $(``).appendTo(parent); } //banner const SetBottomBanner= async()=>{ categories = await AssetsPage.GetCategoriesPromise; grid2.append(`
`); } const SetSidebar = async () => { const sidebarElement = $('#store-sidebar'); let htmlString = await storesidebarRes; sidebarElement.html(htmlString); } const SetNewsBottom = async () => { recentAssets.append(`
What's New









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